- Eso coin flip emote install#
- Eso coin flip emote update#
i was playing around with it and it was my understanding that if two people are grouped and both have the addon, they should both see the roll results without having to enable the chat function, correct? cause that wasn't happening. Hi, just discovered this addon after wishing someone would write a /roll addon lol. Crazy timing! But I will definitely make time for this 'soon.' I finally get to play Greymoor today for the first time really since all the maintenance and updating addons and then my internet was down for a day. I did not like other library options in the past due to larger data sharing components and constant on/off toggles needing to be managed, however this may be possible with LibMapPing, or I might end up just rebuilding the current system. Otherwise if I remember correctly you are limited to 5 usable digits (with the 5th being only partially reliable/accurate) due to rounding ZOS performs on the map coordinates which are what the addon uses to send data (encodes into a 'fake' set of coordinates and sends it to the map ping system).Ĭurrently adding more options is not possible due to this accuracy limitation, but if it is possible to stagger evens over multiple pings that should be an effective workaround. I will look into whether this will be feasible (in term of multi-ping data transmission for single events) once I dig into that.
Eso coin flip emote update#
I am planning to update this addon including possibly a new method of handling pings that is more accurate/reliable. Would it be possible to provide a feature to have dice modifiers? Like +10 or -5, etc.? Could be useful for some of us.
Changed coin name from Septim to Drake to fit the timeline. Added option to choose the default behavior for /roll when no options are given.
Changed the message for the "special" dice roll options to be more immersive. (NOTE: You still must hit enter again to post the message it generates due to API limitations to prevent addons from spamming chat.) Just go into emote mode then do a /roll or /toss with whatever options and in "send to chat" mode it will emote the results. However, it IS useful for sending to /say or even better, to /e or "emote mode". Must be set per-character, and disables the send-to-group functionality (which cannot be faked). Added option to send the output to the active chat. Fixed new /roll 20 not being seen when manually entered. Fixed new /roll 1000 not being seen when manually entered. Fixed previous bug where no options would appear when using non-English language. Updated to latest LinAddonMenu r19 and LibStub r4 libraries. Updated to latest LibAddonMenu and LibStub. Added check to prevent responding to pings during combat which should cut down on false positives. Updated libs and API version for Clockwork City. Eso coin flip emote install#
Removed included Libraries to avoid out of date errors, install LibStub and LibAddonMenu manually. Overhauled language files and added Spanish and Japanese support (need improved translations). Updated options text and many other language file strings. Added option to disable when in combat to avoid spam from DPS sharing addons.
Thanks YayRP for the idea to use the PingMap() function to pass data between group members.
Option to automatically disable in combat to avoid spam from DPS sharing addons.Įnglish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish now fully supported! (NEED UPDATED TRANSLATIONS!). Option to send the output to the active chat (must hit enter to send) for non-group members. Graphics will scale to chat font size (but you must /reloadui after changing it). If in a group, all members with the addon will see your results, including your name!. Typing /toss will flip a Drake (coin with graphic). Typing /roll followed by 6, 12, 18, or 24 will roll 1, 2, 3, or 4 6-side dice (with graphics). Typing /roll followed by a space and then 10, 20, 50, 100, or 1000 will make the roll out of that number. Typing /roll without a number will print " of X out of 100 by: Your Name". Implements /roll and /toss commands with various options (type /roll ? or /toss ? for more info). Group dice /roll and coin /toss functionality with multiple max-value and graphical options, and named output to all group members who have the addon. Addon includes in-game support for all listed languages.)